PinnedWhat is Design Rationale and How to Present it?Communication skills are often ranked high among a UX Designer’s skills and qualifications. Instead of merely presenting wireframes or…Jul 29, 2019Jul 29, 2019
拿什么准则,去评估汽车HMI设计?过去两年一直在做车企项目。这个行业正经历暴风骤雨式的变革,实践和理论都紧追慢赶。积累了一些心得和个人观察想要整理出来。这篇最先发布在个人微信公众号“Research plus Design”,欢迎关注切磋。May 2, 20222May 2, 20222
线下空间体验如何承载商业策略 — — 从宜家卖冰淇淋说起这是为“Thoughtworks洞见”写的一篇关于线下商业空间设计的文章。我主要写了前半部分,为后面同事的项目实例铺垫。空间和人的关系,不仅仅体现在零售业、酒店业,现在也是智能座舱、智能家居体验设计领域在探索的方向。究竟是人带着期待和需求来到空间,还是空间引领了人的想象和需求?物…Oct 2, 2021Oct 2, 2021
The Inside and Outside of Information ArchitectureI conducted an internal sharing session in our company (@ThoughtWorks) a few months ago, taking about Information Architecture (IA). With…Oct 27, 2020Oct 27, 2020
Reading Notes of Information Architecture (Part II)Information Architecture FOR THE WEB AND BEYONDNov 10, 2019Nov 10, 2019
Reading Notes of Information Architecture (Part I)Information Architecture FOR THE WEB AND BEYONDNov 3, 20191Nov 3, 20191
LEAN UX ExcerptReading notes of Lean UX: Designing Great Products with Agile TeamsSep 14, 2019Sep 14, 2019
UX Quiz #2: How do UX Designers work with PMs?Both Product Manager (PM) and UX Designer are essential parts of a typical cross-functional team in tech companies if their working style…Jun 23, 2019Jun 23, 2019
App Critique #0: A FrameworkA simple framework to help UX/Product Designers with app critique exercisesJun 15, 20191Jun 15, 20191